This post is all about creating a vision board to manifest your best 2025.
Want to manifest an amazing 2025? The best way to begin this is to create a 2025 Vision Board.
Maybe 2024 has been your year? Maybe it has not been. Well, I have good news! 2025 is just around the corner, and with a new year comes the opportunity to change your fate for this year.
Personally, I felt like my 2024 was kind of just blah. I accomplished a lot just in my life, but personally, I do feel like I grew all that much. I graduated college, started my first job, moved to a new city in my first apartment, and started dating my boyfriend. While I know I have grown a lot from all of that, not much of it was intentional. And that is my main growth of 2025: INTENTIONAL PERSONAL GROWTH!
So, this year, I decided to make a vision board. I want to manifest my destiny in 2025. I have a lot of goals that I have set for myself, and I am going to share them with you in this post, along with some action steps on how I plan to achieve them and how you can apply these to your own personal goals.
Step 1: Clarify Your Goals
For me, in 2025, I have a lot of personal goals. This will be my first full year of working in the real world, which was completely different from my reality entering into 2024. I was a college student who had a thesis project to complete in order to graduate; therefore, my life was not all that balanced. Therefore, that is one of my biggest goals in 2025: BALANCE! Balance in my work and balance in my life. I have noticed in this first year of my adulting that I am not balancing my life super well. I work way too much, and this prevents me from taking care of myself and a maintained social life outside of my boyfriend.
So, I want to change that in 2025. However, in order to achieve this, I need to break it down into more manageable and actionable goals. Otherwise, it can be too overwhelming. Here are some ways I plan to do that:
- Get my First Promotion
- Only work once a month at my Part-Time Job (haha, no, that is not this blog)
- Workout 3 times a week (currently do nothing, so setting the bar low)
- Grow this blog (but without it, taking over my personal time) (I am very new at this, so this one might be a bit ambitious)
- Read 24 Books (I set my bar in 2024 way too high, so we are shooting for 2 a month in hopes of overachieving)
- Spend more time with my family (I live about an hour away from my immediate family, so I would like to make it a goal to come home once a month or at the very least see them)
- Take one trip without my family
- Move into a bigger apartment/townhouse (I would love to buy a home in 2025; however, I think this is very unrealistic. Therefore, for a manageable goal, the goal is to move into a bigger apartment)
- Journal once a week (I currently do not do this, but I want to learn cause I think it would be great for me to process feelings as well as be able to look back over the years)
Those are some of my goals for 2025. You can see how I broke my one main goal of balance into 8 smaller, measurable goals. They all have a metric to measure by. For example, working out three times a week is a measurable goal. I know that I am successfully completing this goal if I am working out three times a week. While I was maybe not the most specific with the type of workout I want to do three times a week, this gives me flexibility with my goal. I am not a workout person at all, so doing something three times a week, no matter what it is, would be a success for me.
So, that is something to note when making your goals. Give yourself some slack with the specificness if it is something you have not done before. This allows for your goals to move and change with you, but leaving it broad and not so specific allows you to still meet your goals. Life rarely goes as planned, so it is important to give yourself some grace when this happens.
Need Some Goals Ideas for Yourself?
These are just the beginning of what goals you could have for yourself in 2025. Get creative with it! Your vision board does not have to be exactly specific to these goals. It can be very broad, and it can also be very out there, so let yourself dream and think about what goals you would like to accomplish in 2025 and how those would change who you are this time next year.
Step 2: Gather Your Materials
Now for the fun part: picking out what to put on your vision board. There are several ways to do this, but one of my favorite ways is Pinterest. I personally wanted a pink aesthetic for my 2025 vision board. So, I just hopped onto Pinterest and typed in “Pink Vision Board,” “Pink Travel,” “Pink Home,” etc. You can apply this strategy to the vibe you want for your vision board.
There are so many other ways you can find elements to put on your vision board other than just using Pinterest photos for your vision board. For example, you can use your own pictures; you can use drawings you have drawn; you can use pictures from the internet, maybe from your favorite content creator or magazines the possibilities are endless for where you can find pictures for your vision board. It can be whatever you want it to be!
What to think about when looking for pictures? The biggest thing to think about when looking for pictures for your vision board is making sure they make sense of your goals. The whole point of the vision board is to help manifest the life you want for yourself in 2025. Therefore, look for pictures that show you your end goal.
For example, you will see in my vision board later that there is this beautiful pink kitchen in mine. I added this in there because this is the type of kitchen I would like in my own home one day. As I mentioned, this home will not be happening in 2025; however, it is good to have this picture on my vision board because it reminds me of where I want to go and how I need to take steps to achieve this.
Next, where are you going to make your vision board? I think a super popular version right now, just for ease of using photos from the internet, is Canva, which is what I used to make my own. You can also make a physical vision board. I think regardless of whether you make a physical one or a virtual one, having your vision board physically printed is super important for keeping yourself accountable in 2025.
However, you decide to make your vision board either digitally or physically, do not make it harder than it needs to be! This is not meant to be difficult or time-consuming!
See below some of the pictures I selected for my vision board!
Step 3: Make it Inspiring and Practical
Now that you have gathered some pretty images for your vision board, you may also want to add some inspirational quotes and affirmations. I love some inspirational quotes, so adding these to my vision board was a no-brainer for me. I stuck with a similar vibe to the pink because I wanted to keep it consistent.
I also searched for manifestation quotes and statements that align with the vibe I’m aiming to channel in my 2025 vision board.
Here are some of the inspirational quotes and affirmations that I selected for my vision board!
As you can see, these quotes are very inspirational and serve as powerful reminders for myself as I plan to reflect on my vision board throughout 2025. They help keep my intentions focused and aligned with my goals, as well as provide support to stay grounded and adaptable if my goals shift or change throughout the year.
Step 4: Organize your Vision Board with Action in Mind
Let’s put it all together! Now that you have collected some photos/elements you would like to incorporate into your 2025 vision board.
If you are using a digital program such as Canva, and maybe you are getting pictures from the internet and pinterest. You are going to want to download and upload all your pictures to Canva. You can use any board size you would like, but if you are maybe wanting to print this out. I would recommend a poster size such as 18 inches by 24 inches, but again completely up to you!
If you are doing this physically, you are going to want to do the same things. Gather all your pictures, whether you are printing them off, using magazines, etc. You are just wanting to have all your materials ready. Also, if you are doing this physically, you are definitely going to want something bigger than a normal piece of paper to put your vision board on.
Now, you want to organize your photos into goal types. While this step isn’t required, it can be very helpful for keeping everything visually organized. I personally divided my vision board into four corners to represent some different areas that I have goals for this year. My goals were centered around career, travel, fitness, reading, and home. Each corner holds photos and symbols that aligned with one of these key areas, making it easier to focus on and visualize my progress toward each goal. This helps me add structure and clarity to your vision board, helping you stay connected to your overall intentions.
Whether you decide to organize your 2025 vision board into specific goal types or not, it’s time to bring your vision board to life. Get creative, take your time, and have fun with the process. Make sure you love how it looks because this is something you’ll be revisiting throughout the year. Your vision board is a reflection of your aspirations and dreams, so you want it to inspire and motivate you whenever you glance at it. Enjoy the process and make it uniquely yours!
This is my 2025 Vision Board!
Step 5: Bring your 2025 Vision Board to Life
So, at this point, you should have your finished 2025 Vision Board. You might be wondering, now what? It’s time to bring it to life through consistency. Your vision board is not just supposed to be a collection of pretty images and affirmations; it is supposed to serve as a tool that encourages intentional steps toward your goals each day. Therefore, place your vision board somewhere you’ll see it regularly—on your wall, in your planner, or even as your digital background.
This constant visibility helps keep your aspirations and goals on your mind frequently, ensuring that you remain aligned with your intentions throughout the year. Engage with your vision board actively by reflecting on it regularly. Periodic reflection allows you to assess what’s working, what may need adjustment, and what new opportunities you want to embrace. As life evolves, so should your vision board, ensuring it stays relevant to your current goals and ambitions.
Checking in with your vision board periodically reinforces accountability and helps maintain focus. Revisiting your goals allows you to hold yourself responsible for consistent progress and ensures that you’re always moving forward. It’s important to celebrate milestones, no matter how small, as this boosts motivation and reinforces your sense of accomplishment. Additionally, staying flexible and adaptable allows you to refine your vision board as circumstances change, ensuring that it remains a powerful resource in guiding your journey toward your 2025 aspirations.
Ta-dah, you have done it! You have created your very own 2025 vision board. You are ready to manifest an amazing 2025! With this powerful visual tool, you have set the stage for intentional growth and achievement this year! As you continue to engage with your vision board, reflect on your progress, and take consistent action, you’ll stay motivated and focused on your goals. Embrace the journey, stay flexible, and trust in your ability to turn your dreams into reality. The future is in your hands, and you’re well on your way to making 2025 your best year yet!
Remember, your vision board is just a guide, and it should evolve with you throughout the year. Life’s twists and turns may lead you down unexpected paths, but that’s okay! Your vision board will serve as a steady reminder of where you want to go this year, and it can help you keep your eye on the prize. Remember to stay connected to your goals, celebrate your wins, and adjust as needed. By maintaining this focused approach, you’ll cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment, creating a year full of growth and success. You’ve laid the foundation—now it’s time to watch your dreams unfold!
Thank you for reading, and may your journey in 2025 be filled with inspiration and accomplishment! Leave a comment below with some of your goals and visions for 2025! Let’s inspire each other to construct lives we love this year!
Really enjoyed reading this. I’m going to attempt creating a vision board. An inspiring read.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read it! Hope this helps you create the vision board of your dreams that helps you accomplish all that you want to in 2025!